Susan Papazian Photography, Carla Coulson, Women In Focus, life of possibilities

Design A Life Full of Possibilities

Susan Papazian Photography, Carla Coulson, Women In Focus, a life of possibilities

Photo Copyright by Susan Papazian


Dear Lovelies, I’m so delighted to share with you this interview the lovely Susan Papazian did with me about a life of possibilities on her blog:


If anyone truly understands the power to change, to design a life full of possibilities, it’s Carla Coulson.


Carla says the biggest obstacle of her life was the first 35 years. Running a business that didn’t fuel her passion left her emotionally depleted and longing for adventure and connection. Who knew all those years ago saying YES to herself would lay the foundation to her stellar career as a Paris based photographer and publisher of 8 books with Penguin and hundreds of feature articles in magazines like Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Gourmet Traveller and Collezioni.

Today, Carla calls Paris her home and spends most of her time working as a creative life coach, helping women all around the world to reconnect to their creativity, passion, personal power and purpose. And it doesn’t always have to be grand and world-changing, Carla says. It just has to bring deep personal satisfaction to you.

Read on as Carla talks about love, joy and how creativity has given her the opportunity to connect with herself and the army of women who are also saying YES.

Over to you Carla…

Your job can be driven by results and outcomes. Your work is your legacy. How do we find value in our work, rather than in our job?

My advice is always do something that brings you joy or where you feel a sense of true purpose and deep satisfaction. There is a lot written about doing what you love and I have had the fortune to do that in both my photography and coaching careers, ultimately if you have a strong sense of creating something worthwhile, serving a group of people whose lives will be impacted by your work, that brings an immense satisfaction that never feels like a job. It’s like mainlining life, you feel like you have a reason for being on this planet and everything becomes clear. You have a deep sense of belonging, to yourself, to the community and to this glorious planet. Life feels good.

What were your obstacles, setbacks, triumphs or joys in your road to defining your work? 

I think the biggest obstacle for me was the first 35 years! Not having any true guidance or tools to understand what it was that I liked or how I could design a life and go make it happen. The idea that I could co-create my life, have a true purpose that I was deeply connected to, was foreign to me. Like many people I started figuring it out when big life problems started happening that I could no longer ignore. I thank the obstacles, the setbacks for pushing me out of my comfort zone, causing me sometimes to break down so I was forced to change how I did things. I now love adversity because I know there is a chance for growth.

The first greatest joy was when I said yes to myself and I said no to the way I was living and had the courage to walk away from a comfortable life to go find the right life for me. For the first time I started asking myself what was it that I liked or what could a new path look like? Then I allowed myself the luxury to go and check it out. The joys have been numerous, moving to Italy and Paris, becoming a photography, gaining self-love and self-esteem, realising you alway have space for new friends and love, life can begin again in a heartbeat, making a life being on the road, feeling alive and seeing other people’s lives influenced by that is an immeasurable joy. That we are all connected.


Read the rest of the interview at Susan Papazian’s Blog here.


You can check out Susan’s amazing work at her site and give her a follow on Instagram.

Carla x


Bridget Gleeson, living in Venice

Dreams Into Reality: Venice, A Beautiful Crumbling Mess

Bridget Gleeson, living in Venice

Photo Copyright by Bridget Gleeson

Dreams Into Reality, Bridget Gleeson, Venice By Bridge, Italy Photography, Venice, Italy, Inspiring Lives

Photo Copyright by Corrina Tough

Beautiful Bridget Gleeson is today’s inspiration as she took her dream of living in Venice and turned it into reality, not once but twice. 

Some of us wait for the best part of our lives to take a step in the direction of our heart’s desires and often it means unlearning a lifetime of ‘shoulds’. It takes courage to follow your dreams because often you are going against a lifetime of doing things a certain way but that didn’t stop Bridget Gleeson at almost 60 moving from New York to Venice. 

‘Our’ Bridget, (I say our because when a woman takes such a brave move she changes the lives of all of us) today made a second dream a reality, taking her beautiful heartfelt photos of Venice and sharing them with the world in her shop. I’m the happiest woman on the planet to celebrate this moment and know that those of you who love Venice and haven’t been able to travel this year, will love nothing better than having your favourite city on your walls, made with love and care from a woman who dared to live her dream.

Over to you Bridget…


In the past couple of years, what belief or habit has allowed you to move to Venice and start a new life at nearly 60?

I think it all started when I began to change my belief from I should have done this move 10, 20 years ago, this dream had passed me by, to the real truth of the matter. Simply put, it’s really never too late, you get to write the story of your life, nobody else. It’s up to you. Believing that can be very hard at times, yes. But once I began to think about it that way, so many new ideas and opportunities start to show up in my life. It was a whole new way to look at my dream, like a riddle to solve. A test of how can I make this happen? A good bit of blind faith and “what’s the worst thing that could happen” didn’t hurt either! I also started at that time the habit of starting to do one small thing every day, or sometimes every week, to keep the dream alive and moving forward. Small changes and habits over time have a cumulative effect, and can really make things happen for you. That was tough for me because I’m typically a 0-60 kind of girl, and often with no patience! I think knowing that 60 was not too far around the corner gave me that extra nudge. I’d read or heard about other woman who were doing the same thing, making a dream come true in their 50’s, 60’s and beyond and I thought, “Why not me?”


You have an exciting new project sharing your beautiful photos with the world. What happened during 2020 and the Covid pandemic that encouraged you to bring this to life?

When we first arrived in the summer of 2019, Venice was warm, sunny, and packed to the gills with people! We were busy settling in and seeing friends and doing a bit of travel and just getting situated. It was a busy fun time, but not much time for my creativity other than a fabulous photography retreat in Puglia in the autumn. Venice 2020, and Italy for that matter, was a whole different time, sadly enough. The quiet of lockdown gave me the time to really think about things and life in general. When we were finally allowed to wander more than 200 meters from our apartment, there was literally no one around. Aside from the markets and stores, there were very few people here. In that void of people and tourists, and as we went to do errands or walk our dog, I started to notice things I hadn’t before. That’s when my camera came into play. I started to take it with me everywhere, and see Venice through its lens. Photography shows you how to slow down to the moment of what’s right in front of you. Without the crushing crowds, I started to see the beauty of Venice everywhere, and it was incredible. Then as I started to share more on Instagram, people began asking about my photos and the seed was planted.

Bridget Gleeson

Photo Copyright by Bridget Gleeson

How has creativity influenced your life and your relationship with yourself and others?

Finding this new creative outlet has let me quiet down my busy, hyper brain and catch my breath. It’s made me appreciate the small details. It’s my new daily gratitude list, but in photos, which I love. My life here made me start to dream of different ideas, and this brand new project comes from my love of Venice, but really wanting to share the beauty of the entire city. Especially in 2020, when so many miss La Serenissima and Italy and are counting the days until they can return. I completely understand that longing. I’ve met many wonderful, talented good-hearted people doing beautiful things with their life and creativity, and sharing it on Instagram. The friendships and the spark of creativity I get when I see all these brilliant ideas come to life, what a gift it has been!

Bridget Gleeson

Photo Copyright by Bridget Gleeson

Share with us the meaning behind your series A Beautiful Crumbling Mess?

This first series in my new print shop came about one afternoon while I was looking at my photos, I realized I had very few shots of the places people typically want to see when they check off all the boxes. I completely understand that, but Venice is found in the small Campos and narrow calles too. Venice is 16 centuries old, can you imagine?

So in some places, it feels like the city is crumbling down around us, bit by slow bit. It certainly felt that way last autumn after the disastrous grande aqua and the subsequent flooding. Yet, there was still an overwhelming sense of beauty in that crumbling mess—the red-brownish colors of the endless brick, next to the changing hues of green in the canal. The tiny delicate flowers in the cracks, and the flowing vines, wrapped and entwined in the exquisite ironwork you find all over the city above doors and guarding windows.

I want people to see the beauty in all of it, and then find the beauty in their own lives, where it may now be hard to uncover and see. It’s a series that reflects beauty, but also persistence and determination. It must take a bit of toughness for those small shoots to poke thru the brick and flower! I chose to believe we can all show up to bloom again, embrace your crumbling mess, at whatever age, and own your story.


Bridget Gleeson, living in Venice

Photo Copyright by Bridget Gleeson

I imagined during this process of moving from New York to living in Venice and starting a new life, you often felt scared, overwhelmed, or confused. What did you do to keep moving forward and believing in what you were doing?

Moving is stressful, right? I’d moved overseas before with my husband, but it was a corporate move; somebody else was in charge! This time, we were on our own! There was self-doubt, oh god, what have we done, overwhelmed by all the things and yes, confusion. I just kept thinking about what I wanted, and that kept the doubt for the most part away. I also had a strong memory of the last time we were in Venice, which had only been several months before. We’d been going to Venice on holiday for a long time. Each time for a little longer and when we lived in Switzerland, several times a year. The last time we went, we stayed a month. On our last night, after an evening shared with friends, we were crossing over the Accademia Bridge on a cold clear January evening. The city surrounding the Grand Canal looked dreamlike, as it often does in the winter months. I stopped to take it in and suddenly felt overwhelmed by emotion.

I started to cry a bit, and my husband asked me, “What’s this all about, are you okay?” (He knows how sentimental I am, and, well, the Accademia Bridge will do that to you.) I turned to my husband and said, “I don’t want to leave. It’s almost like I can’t leave. Next time we come to Venice, we’re coming for good.’’ I wiped my tears, sighed, and we slowly walked back to the apartment we were staying. I took in every last sight one last time before we headed back to New York City in the early morning.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying be careful what you wish for, well, I have to say it’s true! Within six months of sending that proclamation to the universe into that winter sky, we found ourselves living in Venice.

Bridget Gleeson, living in Venice

Photo Copyright by Bridget Gleeson

What would be one tool, habit, or piece of advice you would give to another woman approaching her sixties that wanted to take a leap of faith?

Leap! Have 100% faith in yourself, know that you can do whatever you set your mind to. I’ve learned in the last few years how incredibly important mindset is. What you say you can or cannot do is how things will turn out. That said, I think it’s so important to find other people to support you in whatever it is you want to do. My photography and this project would have never come to life if I hadn’t had a group of wonderful, kind, smart encouraging women supporting me along the way! It’s also so much more fun than doing it on your own. I do believe it’s important to think about what you want, what’s your big why? Do your research, be prepared like a good scout, and then go do whatever it is you want to do with your beautiful messy life. It’s waiting for you, trust me on that.


Thank you Bridget for sharing your inspiring journey with us!

You can check out Bridget’s wonderful work here at her newly launched online shop.

Follow her on Instagram.


Carla x


luxury skincare, la fervance, melissa obeid

Dreams Into Reality: Launching a Luxury Skin Care Brand in France

 follow your heart, luxury skincare france, dreams into reality, inspiring lives, la fervance, melissa obeid

(Images: La Fervance/Jolene Denes Photography)

Dear Lovelies, I’m very excited to share with you Melissa Obeid’s story on bringing to life her unique dream and vision of creating a luxury skincare range in France. 

I’ve had the enormous pleasure of trying this beautiful product, and as I said to Melissa, ‘It’s like a Hermes handbag in a jar!!’

It’s pure craftsmanship and luxury and everything you would expect of a beautiful luxury skincare product made in France with an interesting Australian twist. 

Over to Melissa…

follow your heart, luxury skincare france, dreams into reality, inspiring lives, la fervance, melissa obeid

(Image: La Fervance/Jolene Denes Photography)

Why a luxury skincare face cream in France?

Creating a face cream in the global cosmetics hub was certainly not the intention when we arrived in France!

The concept of a sustainable, luxurious, 100% natural and proven-active skincare brand was one I had in Australia, where we had actually commenced the process. Then a few weeks into our French family sabbatical in 2016 and the inspiration struck! The momentum kicked in and I was engulfed in this extraordinarily powerful flow of making the vision a reality in the prestige cosmetics mecca as nothing beats that ‘Made in France’ positioning. I realised it was hugely ambitious, but with the encouragement of Jamie and our children, I maintained my focus, a blind faith and after almost 4 years whilst living in Provence, Paris, of highs, lows and ‘many reasons to give up’ — LA FERVANCE was born.

It’s the first clean luxury beauty brand to fuse the best of Australia’s enchanting environment and centuries of French savoir faire into entirely original and highly sophisticated and balanced formulations from 100% natural origins, at a time when many brands are using ‘off the shelf/standard’ formulations which are ready to label due to their lower costs and quicker time to market. Our benchmark was excellence within every touchpoint, and we refused to compromise on any element of the brand or product development. Market trends and commercial factors were never our driving force. The launch of our ‘iconic’ Eclat Extraordinaire embodies the essence of our adventure, brand values and represents a new philosophy in clean beauty. France felt like the most natural place to make all of this happen.

I’m extremely fortunate to have a husband who supported this dream and has been prepared to work with me to make it happen.

follow your heart, luxury skincare france, dreams into reality, inspiring lives, la fervance, melissa obeid

(Images: La Fervance/Jolene Denes Photography/Melissa Obeid)

What attracts you to living in France and how has it influenced creating La Fervance?

I’m convinced I must have had a past life in France! Despite the various dramatic events which have transpired whilst living here, I’m unperturbed. Each time I step onto the streets of Paris or whilst in Provence, feels like my first time and whilst I may look like a local, I act like a tourist, constantly pausing to take pics of building facades, doors, vineyards, corners, tables, chairs, old people… Not half as amazing as your pics, Carla, but with that same perspective of seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary. 

After living in Paris in the 90’s where I studied at the Paris Fashion Institute and worked in fashion for a couple of years, France has a special place in my heart. Later my role at the National Gallery of Victoria was perfect as we staged many French exhibitions, so I got my ‘French fix’ regularly.  

Around my 45th birthday, Jamie saw I was missing France, so decided he’d bring me and the kids to my ‘happy place’ for a ‘few months’. The relocation from our comfortable life in Bayside Melbourne for a sabbatical was sudden, but within 8 weeks of making the decision, we were on the plane — long-stay visas in hand and an unknown adventure awaiting. On 12 July, we celebrated 4 years to the day! Whilst a true-blue Aussie at heart, with Lebanese heritage, for me, France feels like the centre of the universe, from where we can easily access other parts of the world. When I’m not here, I feel like I’m missing something intrinsic to my identity.  

I’m also passionate about history, so clearly I’m in the right place and despite some aspects of living and doing business in France being highly frustrating — this quirkiness is charming in itself (sometimes!)

The pursuit of excellence, traditions, quality, and overall inspiration I receive whilst here has influenced every element of the LA FERVANCE story. The ‘Made in France’ positioning is essential to the brand and I feel the inspiration around Napoleon & Josephine’s fascination with Australia and the Bourdin expedition to Oz in 1800 strongly here, which in turn influences the energy which LA FERVANCE exudes.

follow your heart, luxury skincare france, dreams into reality, inspiring lives, la fervance, melissa obeid

(Images: La Fervance/Jolene Denes Photography)

What have been some of the joys of living your dream?

The hugely diverse group of people we’ve crossed paths with along the way, many of whom have become close friends and de facto ‘family’. Inspiring and playing a part in some of their journeys has been most rewarding.  

The crazy synchronicities which have occurred so frequently, and which have impacted where we are now. Even meeting you, Carla, was via my now dear friend Jolene Denes, whom we initially met whilst principal dancer au Moulin Rouge — retiring in 2016 and who’s now our LA FERVANCE photographer. She’s another Aussie living in France.

Achieving what so many said would be ‘impossible’ and pushing through the consistent obstacles to see my dream become a reality and doing this all with our own personal funds. 

The sense of freedom and gratification one feels from pursuing a soul-led life, over an ‘average’ one, despite the latter offering more comfort and security.

Exposing our children to European road trips, locations, languages, cuisine, history, new friends for life, French schooling, and the LA FERVANCE adventure. They have lived the entrepreneurial journey and seen us work tirelessly to create this brand. 

Discovering my inner strength, capabilities and working through some significant personal growth.

Reaffirming the power of integrity, good manners, and respect for oneself and others. Seeing our brand appear in British VOGUE, Tattler, ELLE Paris.

Introducing the brand into retail in Australia, Paris, London, Canada, St Tropez, SKINLife in Portugal, in Lourmarin Provence and the highly reputed SKINS Cosmetics network — and thriving during the global pandemic which hit soon after the brand launch.  

follow your heart, dreams into reality, inspiring lives, la fervance, melissa obeid

(Images: La Fervance/Jolene Denes Photography/Melissa Obeid)

What have been some of the challenges of creating a luxury skincare range?

Oh Mon Dieu! SOOO many! This journey is not for the faint-hearted.

The Covid-19 global pandemic and all that this entailed (entrepreneurial 18-hour days & home-schooling included!)

A home-sick Aussie hubby and feeling torn between returning to the stability of Oz or pursuing the LA FERVANCE dream in France.

Being far from friends and family – especially my amazing, self-sufficient 94-year-old Grandmother.

French bureaucracy and the various delays and roadblocks which are highly frustrating to a ‘can-do’ person.  

The numerous time-consuming visa renewal procedures. Copious amount of requirements and paperwork.

Selling our first home in Melbourne, which held a strong sentimental connection for my children and I. This was a difficult decision. We were prepared for a short sabbatical in France, so when this extended and we created LA FERVANCE, an injection of funds was necessary. Either we returned to Oz and kept this rental property, or sold it and remained in France. I felt so strongly about LA FERVANCE so I chose the latter.  

Four years and investing 100’s of thousands into the brand and living abroad expenses and on the assumption it will succeed is a great challenge, but I’d like to think ‘fortune favours the bold.’

How did you know you were on the right path when you were launching a luxury skincare brand?

I’ve asked myself this question on many occasions over the past 4 years.  

For me, it’s waking up each morning with renewed energy and inspiration to continue with this chosen mission, despite the challenges which present along the way.

The excitement I feel about the project, the energy it evokes during meetings and the way the LA FERVANCE story inspires all who I share it with. 

I truly LOVE what I do — despite the long days, juggling the project with a busy family life and all whilst living in a foreign country. I believe it’s the entrepreneurial spirit in which I was raised, and which runs through my veins. It’s really quite addictive. 

The bizarre way this inspirational journey found me in many respects and how I could not imagine myself finding as much joy doing anything other than what I’m currently doing.

Someone once encouraged me to ‘Live a BIG LIFE’. I guess I took his advice!

la fervance, melissa obeid

(Images: La Fervance/Jolene Denes Photography)

Any advice to someone who has a dream and needs to take the first step?

Absolument! Just do it! Simply take ‘that’ first step. Whether it’s that initial phone call enquiry, an online search, a course, whatever — simply commence. If it’s the right dream, things will fall into place, flow effortlessly and then it’s up to you to write the rest of the story. Life is too short to procrastinate or live with regrets.

The universe will help those who help themselves, so give it a go, or you’ll never know. Regardless of the outcome, you will have lived new experiences, created an interesting story and who knows what amazing outcomes you may enjoy! Not to mention inspiring young people in your life in positive, ‘go getting’ ways.

Block out the ‘noise’ from negative people or those who chose not to follow their dreams, as this will only create doubt and pull you back. Instead, surround yourself with inspirational people, stories, podcasts, places to motivate that drive and determination. 

If Jamie and I could put everything on the line to create a luxury skincare brand in the luxury skincare mecca of the world, then I truly believe anything is possible!


Melissa has very generously offered a code CARLA25 for my divine readers and you receive 25% off on checkout:

Just like coming to France!!! 

Thanks to Melissa for sharing her story.

Carla x

If you want to know how you can live more wholeheartedly, reconnect to your joy, creativity, and purpose, download my Free Workbook here.

Claire Lloyd and Matthew Usmar, Dreams Into Reality

Dreams Into Reality: Renovating a Shack in Tasmania

Bushy Summers A historic Airbnb on Lettes bay Strahan Tasmania

All photos copyright Claire Lloyd

Gorgeous friends, Claire Lloyd and Matthew Usmar have turned their dreams into reality by renovating an original shack on Lettes Bay, Strahan, Tasmania. They are the first people to be featured in a new series called Dreams Into Reality, where people have a dream and share with us how they make it a reality.

It’s one of my favourite things to celebrate dreams that come true!

So over to Claire and Matthew who share with us the steps along the way, the difficulties and the joy. 

Young girl picking apples at Airbnb Bushy Summers shack in Lettes Bay Tasmania

How did you come to find a shack on the waterfront in Strahan, Tasmania and what inspired you and your partner to buy it? 

Several years ago, I bought a beautiful ceramic bowl in Sydney. I was so taken with the bowl that I tracked down its maker, Zsolt Faludi and I decided to travel to Tasmania to meet him. 

This was my first trip to Tasmania, I travelled from Hobart to the Huon Valley and then along the East Coast to Launceston. I fell in love with this amazing part of the world. 

I wanted so much to share my experience with Matthew, my partner, so the following year we took the trip together, but this time decided to explore the wild, West Coast.

I booked the Captain’s Rest, a divine miner’s cabin in Strahan for a couple of nights and we headed there from Launceston. 

We arrived in Lettes Bay on a warm sunny late January afternoon and as we stood at the water’s edge surrounded by charming miner’s cottages and resident ducks I said to Matthew, ‘What do we need to do to get a place here?’ 

renovating a shack in strahan tasmania

That was it, all I had to do was ask the question. 

Matthew wandered off and within an hour returned with news that he had been speaking to a man with a cabin to sell. 

It didn’t seem possible, but it was, and we didn’t think twice.

Matthew worked together with a local builder to put Bushy Summers back together in a new exciting way, what was one of the joys for him in working on this project from start to finish? 

Matthew is an artist and is multi-talented, so this was a wonderful project for him. He worked with the guidance of Trevor,  a local builder and a real character. They worked well together, and Matthew learnt a lot from him but when Trevor stopped at the end of the day, went missing in action or to another job Matthew kept going. He was like a man obsessed. Through his new learned skills, he quickly discovered he had the ability to do most things.

Matthew loves creating and for him, this was a new kind of creating and it made him proud, the house is very much his.

beautiful bathroom by Claire Lloyd and Matthew usmar Lauder at their Airbnb Strahan Tasmania

A claw legged bath in bushy summers airbnb strahan tasmania

I know you have such a beautiful vision when it comes to homes, what was the feeling you wanted to create in this sweet cabin? 

I never stray from my vision which is based on light, space, and simplicity. 

So, they were my basics. My aim then was to create charm and cosiness with views from as many parts of the cabin as possible. 

It’s a small cabin so the space needs to flow easily from one room to another.

The view out to the bay is spectacular, with enormous skies and lots of water and it was important to incorporate it into the cabin. 

We achieved this by putting in a slightly larger window out to the bay and mirrored this window with an internal window between the sitting room and the bedroom. You can lie in bed and look out to the water and beyond.

We reused an existing door and converted it into a stable door so when the weather is warm it can be opened for an extended view and fresh air.

bedroom bushy summers airbnb strahan tasmania

A corner in a renovated shack in Strahan Tasmania decorated with velvet cushions


When you have a dream, it seems everyone else has an opinion. Did people think you were mad renovating a place in Tasmania? 

People always have an opinion that’s one of life’s joys. I only ever go on my gut feeling, as does Matthew, so we didn’t give any attention to opinions.

What has been one of the great joys for both of you in bringing back to life this sweet piece of Australian architecture. 

I think the joy was in the doing. The journey is always the most exciting.

We worked so hard together on Bushy Summers, Matthew even more so. Working like this brings a closeness, it’s been a lovely collaboration.

We worked for months and months through some shocking weather. We bought a lovely old caravan and put it next to the shack, which is where we slept. The caravan had no electricity and only a bucket to pee in at night. Some nights it was so cold I could have wept. Other nights the wind would rock the caravan so hard that we thought we would end up in the bay. But then there were beautiful calm moments when you’d open your eyes and have a front seat to the most amazing sunrises in the world. It was a big adventure. When we look at the results we are so, so happy. We have a story about every part of the house, these stories will amuse and entertain us forever.


Admiring the view in a renovated shack in Tasmania by Claire Lloyd an Matthew Usmar Lauder

Dreams Into Reality, Artist Matthew Usmar Lauder contemplating the view at Bushy Summers Strahan TasmaniaI love your love of details and both of you have put so much love and care into the place. What are a couple of your secrets to making it a unique nurturing space?

The first thing is making the space flow well and getting in as much light as possible. Having little places inside where you can lie or sit with a book in the sunshine is a definite must. The fabrics you use are important. I have always been a lover of beautiful natural fabrics. At Bushy Summers we have used hand dyed velvets, linens, wool and good quality cottons. Our delicious linen sheets are from Bedtonic, they are divine to sleep under. It can get very cold so we have lovely quilts and blankets so you can snuggle up. 

Matthew has incorporated some of his wonderful art, paintings and pieces he has made, along with found objects add another layer to the look.

We love welcoming guests and sharing our special place and you will always find a bottle of Tasmanian wine and some local bread, jam and eggs waiting for you.

view from bushy summers airbnb shack strahan tasmania, Dreams Into Reality

Dreams Into Reality, Claire Lloyd and Matthew Usmar Lauder on the doorstep of their shack strahan Tasmania

All photos copyright Claire Lloyd

Any advice for someone who has a dream and wants to take needs to take the first step towards turning it into a reality?

Just do it, don’t worry about what anyone else thinks, if you honestly feel it in your heart, go for it!

You can enjoy Matthew and Claire’s beautiful work and the view on Lettes Bay via AIRBNB HERE


Huge thanks to Claire and Matt for sharing their joy with us in our first Dreams Into Reality series.

Carla x

PS, you may also enjoy this read about A GREEK ISLAND HOME by the same clever couple

If you want to know how you can live more wholeheartedly, reconnect to your joy, creativity, and purpose, download my Reawaken Your Lust For Life PDF here.