Hello Lovely.

I love empowering women in midlife to live a creatively expressed and fully lived life, wild and as free as they want. 

To have a higher vision of who they can be and what they can do and be true to themselves.

My mission is to help women, creative business entrepreneurs and coaches to create a quantum breakthrough to live the life they want with more grace and ease and less hustle and burnout.

Are you an explorer of life, interested and passionate about multiple creative fields who desires deep fulfilment from what you do? 

Would you like to magically master the money area of your life so you can create the big dreams you still have and express yourself authentically?

If you have one foot in the physical world and one foot in the spiritual world, and you know there is so much more out there for you, then you are my girl!

I am a multipotentialite, probably like you, who loves creativity and has enjoyed lovely success across more than two creative fields.

In the past 10 years, working closely with women as a creative coach and in my Yes Yes, Yes - Say Yes to Yourself program (with 200+ women), the same 4 things blocked women from true freedom:

  1. MONEY - A fully expressed and fully lived life needs money/energy. Our relationship with money also dictates what we believe we can or cannot have in life. It keeps us stuck in jobs and relationships that no longer serve us, holds us back from building a business or taking up a creative passion we love and from living a bigger life.
  2. IDENTITY - Most have created an identity that dictates to us how much we can or can’t have in life. You may identify as a photographer, artist, mother, coach and this identity comes with a set of beliefs and restrictions of what we are allowed to have in life.
  3. BELIEFS - All of us have a set of limiting subconscious beliefs that are like a program running in the background that we are unaware of. It is this programming that sabotages our joy, that stops us from taking a risk or moving forward, charging more in our business or doing the things we love.
  4. VIBRATION - Our lack of understanding about the Law of Abundance and the energetic field we are part of. We need to become aware of the frequency of what we are ‘transmitting’ and the vibrational alignment to that.

That is why I have spent the past years bringing together all of my experience, knowledge, and learnings to create QUANTUM MONEY BREAKTHROUGH so that you can live the life you always dreamed of.

Money is Energy. Money is Choice. Money is Freedom.