Saying Goodbye to Dad and 2020

Saying Goodbye to Dad and 2020

On the 30th November, just days after his 91st birthday my beautiful father left, as he called it, ‘the land of the living’ to continue his journey with all his mates,...

Saying Goodbye to Dad and 2020

On the 30th November, just days after his 91st birthday my beautiful father left, as he called it, ‘the land of the living’ to continue his journey with all his mates,...

Dreams Into Reality: Venice, A Beautiful Crumbling Mess

Dreams Into Reality: Venice, A Beautiful Crumbl...

Beautiful Bridget Gleeson is today’s inspiration as she took her dream of living in Venice and turned it into reality, not once but twice. 

Dreams Into Reality: Venice, A Beautiful Crumbl...

Beautiful Bridget Gleeson is today’s inspiration as she took her dream of living in Venice and turned it into reality, not once but twice. 

The Importance of Photographs and Memories

The Importance of Photographs and Memories

This summer I had the joy of spending a month in Australia reconnecting with my family, friends, and my mother’s garage, sifting through photographs & memories.

The Importance of Photographs and Memories

This summer I had the joy of spending a month in Australia reconnecting with my family, friends, and my mother’s garage, sifting through photographs & memories.

Saying Goodbye to Florentine Mamma Popi

Saying Goodbye to Florentine Mamma Popi

When I got a call that Popi was dying I booked a flight straight away and flew to Florence to say goodbye to the women that helped me find my...

Saying Goodbye to Florentine Mamma Popi

When I got a call that Popi was dying I booked a flight straight away and flew to Florence to say goodbye to the women that helped me find my...

Medieval Maiden – Private Portrait Shoot

Medieval Maiden – Private Portrait Shoot

I had the utmost joy to photograph the beautiful Erica in this recent Paris Film Noir shoot. Now I love a challenge as much as anyone and this beautiful gal studied medieval...

Medieval Maiden – Private Portrait Shoot

I had the utmost joy to photograph the beautiful Erica in this recent Paris Film Noir shoot. Now I love a challenge as much as anyone and this beautiful gal studied medieval...

Consciousness and My Camera

Consciousness and My Camera

There is a lot of talk about consciousness and meditation and for many gals and guys, it can feel really frustrating at first to sit down and try and empty...

Consciousness and My Camera

There is a lot of talk about consciousness and meditation and for many gals and guys, it can feel really frustrating at first to sit down and try and empty...