Working with Carla Coulson as my creative business coach has been a game-changer. In just ten weeks, she guided me through a transformational journey that propelled my health coaching business forward in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

Carla’s belief in me was unwavering, and her unique approach to coaching – combining belief work and practical strategies – helped me overcome barriers and unleash my full potential. From our first meeting, Carla tailored our sessions to my specific needs, ensuring that every step aligned with my business goals and vision.

Carla’s coaching was extremely helpful. She assisted me in identifying and changing limiting beliefs and patterns obstructing my progress. This allowed me to let go of old doubts and fears and adopt a confident and abundant mindset. 

Carla Coulson’s coaching program was incredibly valuable for me. Her guidance and support helped me attract ideal clients and earn back the investment through new clients. I developed a clear understanding of the direction of my coaching business, and I felt empowered to make it a reality. I highly recommend her program to anyone looking to elevate their creative business.


My dream was to get published and having an exhibition when I first started to work with Carla. One and a half years later I can proudly say my pictures are featured in the National Geographic traveller and in The South China Morning Post.

I hear you thinking: 'And your exhibition?' That also happened! And it was successful, I can proudly say that many of my artworks are now hanging in people’s home. I am so proud of that.

Working together step by step with Carla made me overcome my fears and kept me going in the right direction. Every time I said, 'I don’t think I can…' Carla challenged that, dug deep into why I was fearful, and that helped me to overcome hurdles that would have been hard to take all by myself.

Carla stimulated my creativity whilst brainstorming and although she never pushes in a direction, after every session I feel energised and I have a great sense of where I am at and where to start from.

If you have a creative project you would love to realise I can highly recommend the process of working with Carla.


Working with Carla has literally changed my life! She made me feel seen. She helped me realise I can do life my way! This is no cookie-cutter approach, you don’t need to fit into someone else’s idea of success. That is the beauty of having a masterful and intuitive mentor like Carla. She took my hand to support me in finding my path. To seeing myself. To defining my dreams and bringing them to life.

We had our sessions toward the end of the year. That time is usually a wasteland of winding down and people pleasing for me. Well, Carla supported, encouraged, and inspired me so much that in the last 6 weeks of the year, I created more than I had in the whole year!

Tasks that I had procrastinated about for two years suddenly became easy when swept up in the momentum of intentional action that we created. I had already built my online shop for selling my art prints but resisted adding my latest 2 series of work to it. I had created a lot of artwork but had not promoted it in any way. Now I am on the way to fulfilling my dreams.


Carla is the real deal. She came into my life at a time of massive personal and professional growth and helped me keep my head throughout it all. She is the quintessential problem solver and continually reassured me with her steady ability to take care of it… no matter what ‘it’ was. I wholeheartedly recommend Carla and any resources she endorses.


My experience with Carla was way beyond my expectations. I had been searching for a coach when I saw Carla’s post announcing her new coaching sessions. I have followed her for years and really relate to her story. I knew she was the perfect person for me and would be able to relate to me and my business.

I chose to complete her One Day Intensive course, in none other than both of our favorite places – Italia! It is a place very special to my heart so it meant a lot for me to meet her there and discuss my business. I loved that before the session I had a Skype call with Carla and she also had me complete worksheets to get to know me, my brand and what I wanted for my business. The actual session couldn’t have gone better and I liked that Carla focused on my 'Why' and how that influenced my business decisions and plans. Her ideas and methods really helped me move forward in a BIG way so I walked away with a month by month plan and how to achieve that and I’m so grateful for her expertise and passion for what she does. I left there not only having gained a coach and champion, but also a friend.


When we started working together, I was lost about who I was as a photographer. It wasn’t my best work that I was putting out there, just an emulation of what clients wanted, or so I thought.

Carla hasn’t only helped me to find my focus and my mission, she also helped me reach out to my ideal client, transform my income, re-design my portfolio, create tailor made packages for my clients, a marketing plan and boosted my confidence.

Her enthusiasm will lift you up when faced with tough situations; she won’t hesitate to kick your butt to do the work and guide you in the right direction, understanding your strengths and helping you in your weakest area. Carla gave me the confidence to lift my rates and I have just had my biggest sale ever of £2700… My life has changed so much since working with her!


I would never be here, sitting in my new home in Venice, writing this if it wasn’t for Carla! Her kind, inspiring, and most importantly, motivating way to look at life made me believe it was possible.

I think over time if we don’t take action, life starts to feel smaller and smaller. Carla helped me see that this wasn’t inevitable. I just needed to take small steps each day to open up the world to me.


The result of working with Carla has been a complete transformation of my creative business and my understanding of both my skill-set and my unique offering to the world.

Carla worked generously to help me reframe my ‘brand’ (I never knew how a writer could even have a brand), craft a new online presence, design and create a beautiful new website that caters to my ideal market and niche, giving me more control on how my work sits in the global marketplace.

We had a lot of fun in our weekly coaching sessions, and the bonus was learning about visuals and photography in the process.

Carla is generous, fun, creative, inspiring, encouraging and professional. She finishes things (and made sure I finished things) and has a great ‘get-things-done’ attitude. Her understanding and encouragement were vital when I was freaking out about the necessary online ‘visibility’ I would need to embrace to bring my business into 2018.



Jaded, exhausted with no direction, I joined an extraordinary group of women and together we embarked on a life-changing journey. Today I have detoxed my brain, my home and my life. Daily I meditate, visualize, and create my life which is creative, constructive and joyful. I have updated my website, created my tours to Crete for this year and next year, pitched travel stories that have been accepted and found my tribe of wonderfully supportive creatives. I have softened, found my feminine side again, am in touch with my gut instinct and positive energy and have lost weight as I am eating and sleeping better than I have in years. I’ve learned to love myself again, had fun and I am happy.


Towards the middle of the course, I felt as if I was literally creating new neural pathways. A sense of understanding that I had ended up in these situations in life, because of my thoughts and my programming, and understanding finally that if I re-program these negative thoughts, my reality will soon start to shift accordingly. It was a divine moment of understanding our own power and it turned absolutely everything around for me.

The Time module was so life changing, I am still blown away. As a single mother, time is of utmost value, and learning to actually focus myself and use the time I have, have made me feel on top of things. I read books, I meditate and visualise every morning, I workout every day, I am writing, and I am with my kids around 80% of the time. Time is really something that can be used to our advantage, despite being a single mum.


Buckle up! Be prepared to be brave, honest, vulnerable and to do the work. Find your voice, listen attentively, and trust it. Distilled… this is what Yes, Yes, Yes means to me.

Starting ‘yes’ I was unsure of how to progress with photography. I’ve taken photographs since being a teenager and largely kept them to myself. It sounds simple enough and yet for me, this was deeply challenging because it meant overcoming self-doubt, perfectionism, fear, loathing, and more blocks. Two of my photos are among the final group of 30 in the Maggie Diaz Photography Prize for Women 2019. I couldn’t have imagined this outcome when starting Yes! Yes! Yes! I am so grateful to Carla and the Yes Sisterhood.


Six months [before starting Yes, Yes, Yes], I was at a major crossroad. Twenty year marriage ended and after traveling for a year I moved to a new town to start a new job – Yes, Yes, Yes landed in my lap at just the right time. Carla has created a visually beautiful and inspiring course that helped me wipe the slate clean and gave me tools to clearly define what I want my life to look like. I feel inspired to live a creative, joyful and purposeful life!


No longer just talk… but action… I just hit publish on my website and it feels wonderful. Thanks, Carla for the power of Yes, Yes, Yes… I definitely found my mojo in this group.



  • I am filled with so much gratitude for having been given the resources and tools to live life as the best version of myself. Before I began the Yes, Yes, Yes program, I was rushing through my life on auto-pilot and was completely exhausted. Through the program, I have learned that I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to and can achieve my goals by living more consciously and taking action. Today, I feel free and love my life is filled with so much joy and fun. I have been able to nurture all of my relationships especially my relationship with my husband; built my art practice and am creating more projects in communities that are undeserved in the arts; and am discovering the things that make me excited about my life.

    I am no longer in survival mode financially and have a steady stream of income – making money being creative and have changed my thoughts to know that I can create the life that I dream of... The biggest thing I learned is that you have to remain open and fluid and continue to step out of your comfort zone because you never know how the universe is going to deliver the things that ask for.


  • I thought the Yes, Yes, Yes course would help me to find work that inspired me, maybe to get a little healthier, to feel more confident. 

    And Yes, it’s done all those things. I’ve left a career that was making me miserable, I’ve started a new business with a dream client and the prospect of more. I’m eating well, exercising and finding moments to focus on myself. 

    But this course has helped me to do so much more.It’s gently pushed me to face some past tragedy which I now realise has been such a burden and source of frustration and pain in my life. Carla’s inspiring energy, huge compassion, as well as her supportive way of challenging have encouraged me to start counselling. It’s scary but it’s a huge relief. Through this incredible, nurturing community, I have found the clarity and trust to finally see what I need to do and the strength to face it. Already I feel some peace and I now truly believe I can move past and reach the life I want, to say Yes to it all, with joy and ease. 


  • I feel so honoured and privileged to be part of the Yes,Yes, Yes community. When I first read the course outline, I felt it was written especially for me. The biggest word that kept ringing loudly in my ears was ’stuck’, and I knew I had been there for a number of years. I felt trapped in a life that I no longer had control or ownership of… so when I read that Carla was offering scholarships, I felt it was there waiting for me. I knew this was an opportunity to change my life.  

    And that is has.I have not had an ‘epiphany’, all my eggs have not fallen into a basket, but I have been doing the work, and watching things shift. I have re-found myself. I realised I was at the bottom of the ladder in nearly all my relationships, especially with myself – to moisturise my legs was even an indulgence. Not only do I give myself more time now, I prioritise myself. I have taken ownership of me, my life, my outlook. I am more positive, I am building my self confidence, I am finding joy in the everyday. 

    Each and every module has given me so much insight and inspiration to make adjustments. From understanding my beliefs, how I created my stories and how I can change them, to finding my love of music again, to loving fashion once more and putting effort into myself. Grasping a new relationship with time, boundaries and money has been enlightening, But the big one for me is appreciating creativity, Seeing the worthiness of what is innate within those creatives amongst us, what a gift it is we have to offer, to find the fun in it and playing.  

    I now stand by my values, and I let them guide me and my decisions. This course has given me so much more than I even hoped or anticipated. And to me within a group of like minded woman – who are so supportive, encouraging, they are your cheer squad for each and every one of us. It is a magic elixir, and I just want to drink it all day, every day! I have no intentions of wrapping up at the end of this round of modules and parking the work. I am hooked, and hope to stay within this community of warrior women, as we all evolve together.  

    – JULIA F.

  • When I applied for the scholarship I was feeling stuck and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and didn’t spend much effort on anything other than the care of my family. I have been a homemaker for the last ten years and had been struggling for several years with some physical issues that had left me emotionally and physically spent but I was finally feeling better and wanted to bring back creativity and joy to my daily life as well as connect with a community of supportive and inspiring women. I was afraid of letting any of my ideas out of my head because I never followed through with any of them or had too many and they were for all sorts of things in all sorts of directions. I was looking to build focus and confidence in myself as a woman outside of the homemaker role I’d comfortably settled into. I knew I needed to step out of my comfort zone and hoped this course would help me reconnect with myself and other inspiring women. It was daunting to think about actually doing something and taking action to bring me back to feeling like myself and I’m so glad I took the risk and submitted my application.

    The entire course has been wonderfully eye-opening and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed discovering that I was not just stuck, I was quite lost and it was a relief to have an amazing support network full of encouragement and wonderful ideas… I make sure to celebrate and enjoy my own life on a daily basis and this is a huge change from simply trudging through and worrying about dusty baseboards or the school run! Carla is a ray of light and brings laughter and love and joy, even when we are discussing uncomfortable topics like money and our sometimes very dysfunctional relationship with it.

    I have gained so much confidence back that some days I can’t believe how little of it I had before starting the course. I have started working on a blog project and several book ideas and am excited to see where the next year takes me. Taking care of myself by nurturing my creativity and letting myself be inspired has had a very positive effect on my relationships. I’m proud to be teaching my two young daughters that to take care of yourself means to look after your whole self and if you get lost along the way it’s okay. Thank you Carla for sharing your own story and being our guide as we learn to embrace our unique creativity and celebrate each day!

    – SARAH S.