An Untold Chapter In Finding My Way To Photography

An Untold Chapter In Finding My Way To Photography

It is easy as an adult to stop exploring. To arrive at a point in your life where your work and daily life routine takes over and the child and...

An Untold Chapter In Finding My Way To Photography

It is easy as an adult to stop exploring. To arrive at a point in your life where your work and daily life routine takes over and the child and...

Me Bertday Prezent from La Contessa — Avedon Blog

Me Bertday Prezent from La Contessa — Avedon Blog

Itz Avedon here again (FM az given me ze blog again) I gotta prezent in ze post for me bertday from a spicy lady called La Contessa. I really like...

Me Bertday Prezent from La Contessa — Avedon Blog

Itz Avedon here again (FM az given me ze blog again) I gotta prezent in ze post for me bertday from a spicy lady called La Contessa. I really like...

Once Upon A Time In Italy

Once Upon A Time In Italy

Once upon a time In Italy,  three little girls (well not so little, on their way to forty) sat around a table in a lovely trattoria in Florence. It was a...

Once Upon A Time In Italy

Once upon a time In Italy,  three little girls (well not so little, on their way to forty) sat around a table in a lovely trattoria in Florence. It was a...