I’m a multi passionate life coach who has had her fair share of change.

My greatest joy is reconnecting women to their passion and creativity and  showing them how powerful they are. I believe that women who are 40, 50, or over 60 aren’t too late to fulfill their dreams and desires and I empower them to do this through my private one-on-one coaching sessions.

Prior to becoming a life coach, I worked as a photographer and I’ve have had the great fortune to work for some of the world’s best magazines including Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Gourmet Traveller and Collezioni and published with Penguin Books three books of my own and five more collaborating with other authors.

Back to the changing your life stuff... this is the long story!

I spent my childhood moving around the Australian countryside and finally landed in Sydney in my late teens unhappy and lost.

I spent my twenties starting a business with my best friend which became successful, we turned over more than $1M AUD before my 30th birthday but as the years passed, I realized the money didn’t count without the things that were important to me. I was missing love, personal reward, adventure, community and feeling passionate about what I do every day.

After years of frustration but not having the skills or know how at the time to change, I resisted doing anything about it and day by day my life become smaller and smaller and I became more emotionally shutdown.

Till the one fateful day when life gave me a choice. Just prior to Christmas 1999, my local Thai take-away awarded me Client of the Year (yes, I had eaten more take-away than anyone in Darlinghurst). A meltdown of tsunami proportions ensued in the following hours and I could see my life at 60 if I didn’t do something about it.

That day I made a decision to go out and find the right life for me. I hopped on a plane and headed to Italy. And boy, did I find the right life for me. I studied and became a photographer in Italy and then Paris, all the emotions I had bottled up inside for years came pouring out in my photos, the empathy I felt so strongly for people was now a powerful tool and it lead me to everything I needed in life, reward, joy, love, and my tribe.

I realised that once you have clarity, like I had in Italy and about photography you can make mountains move and dreams come true. I took many of the business principles from my successful business and applied them to photography but I was unwilling to take it the whole way because of a ‘belief’ I unknowingly had as a hangover from my old life.

My mother’s mantra was that ‘money doesn’t buy happiness’ and this actually came true for me in my old business. I was too fearful of growing and expanding my photography business because of the fear of losing all the wonderful things that had come to me. So I played it small for as long as I could, making a success of it in my own way but doing it all on my own. I didn’t realize I was jeopardising my health and nervous system which was falling apart one day at a time.

Enter my second life changing event, 3 auto-immunes. I went through what anyone else goes through when they have a health scare, many visits to the doctors and a lot of fear. I chose to ask questions and ended up at a naturopath that I believed in. I changed my diet, the way I lived, worked and stressed and came out the other side grateful and wanting to share what I had learnt about change with others.

When I came out the other side almost a year later I realised that I needed to make changes in my business to support a healthier way of living and boom like magic my business began to grow and grow.

Creativity and becoming a photographer took me on a  journey and taught me that when you tap into who you really are, what you really want and what your values are, everything else becomes easy.

So that I could pass on my knowledge and assist others I became a certified life coaching certificate to help people just like you find the perfect life for them.


  • Publishing – I have published 8 books with Penguin
  • Magazines – I have published hundreds of magazine articles working with Harper’s Bazaar, Gourmet Traveller, Vogue Entertaining and Travel to name a few.
  • Portraiture – I created and ran my own bespoke high-end portrait and personal branding business working with talented women from around the world
  • Workshops – I have created workshops around the world teaching photography


  • Helping women SAY YES to themselves and connecting them to their passion and creativity
  • Natural health and everything autoimmune
  • Meditation and calming techniques
  • Connection between mind, body, spirit, and business
  • Connecting emotions to your desires
  • Animals and freeing factory farmed animals
  • Supporting the Wild At Heart Foundation.


I am passionate about the power of connecting to what brings you joy and how your life starts to magically unfold with grace and ease when you allow yourself to follow that path.

If you would like to create a life you love, you can find out if my private one-on-one coaching sessions are the right fit for you.