I love empowering women to live a creatively expressed and fully lived life. To have a higher vision of who they can be and what they can do, to feel free and be true to themselves.

I am a multipotentialite, probably like you, who loves creativity and has enjoyed lovely success across more than two of these fields. 

My mission is to help women and creative business owners to create a quantum breakthrough to live the life they want with more grace and ease and less hustle and burnout.

During the past 10 years, I have worked one-on-one with creative business owners to help them embrace their most creative and authentic self and to create mindset shifts to quantum leap their businesses to a place they love. I have also had the honour of working with over 200 women in my program Yes, Yes, Yes - Say Yes to Yourself which guided women to seek their full potential and live a life they love. You can read some of the testimonials here.

Key things keep coming up over and over again that blocked 90% of the women I worked with and it is my joy and focus to facilitate and transform these quickly and painlessly!!

  1. Identity - So many of us have created an identity that dictates to us how much we can or can’t have in life. You may identify as a photographer, artist, mother, coach and this identity comes with a set of beliefs and restrictions of what we are allowed to have in life. 
  2. Vibration - Most human beings are unaware of their energy, thoughts, emotions and how this keeps us attracting unwanted situations or getting the same result year after year. We not only need to become the masters of ourselves and our thoughts and emotions but we need to master our vibrational alignment with what we want and be aware of what we think we are saying and wanting but what our energy is really saying. 
  3. Limiting Beliefs - All of us have a set of limiting subconscious beliefs that are like a program running in the background that we are unaware of. It is this programming that sabotages our joy, that stops us from taking a risk or moving forward, charging more in our business or doing the things we love.
  4. Money - A fully expressed and fully lived life needs money. Our relationship with money also dictates what we believe we can or cannot have in life. It keeps us stuck in jobs and relationships that no longer serve us, holds us back from building a business or taking up a creative passion we love and from living a bigger life.

I too have had my journey and had to do my own work to understand who I am as a person and find my way to my authentic self and bust my beliefs and blocks to live this expanded life with grace and ease.

I have worked as a life coach for the past 10 years and as a photographer for the past 24 years. I’ve had the great fortune to work for some of the world’s best magazines including Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Gourmet Traveller and Collezioni and published with Penguin Books three books of my own and five more collaborating with other authors.

I am a seeker of authenticity, beauty, truth and how the universe works. I have made many of my own dreams come true time and time again. Moving to Italy, marrying someone I love and admire, becoming. Working with women to facilitate their transformation to a more joyous life.

I love to coach and inspire women who want to explore this beautiful world and seek new experiences. Who have one foot in the physical world and one in the spiritual world. Who want to click their fingers and seek magical transformation in their lives.  


  • Publishing – I have published 8 books with Penguin
  • Magazines – I have published hundreds of magazine articles working with Harper’s Bazaar, Gourmet Traveller, Vogue Entertaining and Travel to name a few.
  • Photography – I created and ran my own bespoke high-end portrait and personal branding business working with talented women from around the world
  • Photographic Art Series - I created my online shop in 2016  and have enjoyed a sold out photography series called Young Girl in Bloom that not only inspires you to have beauty on your wall but to have a soulful and powerful visual mantra each time you see it.
  • Workshops – I have taught photography workshops and Getting Published around the world.
  • Partnerships - I work with two empowered and special women who sell my work. Kara Forsyth and her team at Forman Picture Framing in Melbourne, Australia and Tara Gavin at One The Wall Framing in Canada and the USA.


  • Helping women create Quantum Breakthroughs in life to connect them to a higher vision of themselves, bring them more joy, love, creativity and money. 
  • Natural health and everything autoimmune
  • Connection between greater intuition through rest and restoration, meditation, calming techniques and downtime
  • Connection between mind, body, spirit, and business
  • Vibration and understanding your energetic message to the world and how to create synchronicity
  • Animals and freeing factory farmed animals


I am passionate about the power of connecting to what brings you joy and how your life starts to magically unfold with grace and ease when you allow yourself to follow that path.

If you would like to create a life you love, you can find out if my private one-on-one coaching sessions are the right fit for you.