Understanding Vibrational Alignment and Its Role in Manifesting
In this post, I hope to help you in detail on the concept of vibrational alignment so you can understand better how often you think you are manifesting want but your body and emotions are attracting something else.
One of the keys to manifesting what we want is to understand the frequency of our emotions and the impact they have on either helping us manifest our dream or actually manifesting WHAT WE DON’T WANT.
The easiest way to consciously manifest what you want is to understand what vibrational alignment is and when you are in alignment or out. The beautiful thing is our emotions are like a compass that will tell us where we are at at all times.
Vibrational alignment happens when you have a desire that is true for you, you are being or doing something that you love, brings you purpose and is authentic to who you are. Basically in a few words, it resonates with your soul and it feels natural and good when you are in that place and you will feel a range of positive emotions. In this place you manifest things quicker and easier as your vibration and the frequency of your positive emotions is high.
Your emotions are your ‘vibrational’ feedback system, your physical indicator of your relationship with your inner being. Match or mismatch.
When you feel good, are happy or joyous you are doing something that is true for you, you are in harmony or alignment with what you want.
When you are depressed, unmotivated, angry, resentful or generally feel a negative emotion you are OUT OF VIBRATIONAL ALIGNMENT with your inner being and what you truly desire.
So the good news is you can feel your vibrational alignment or your misalignment, all you need to do is to get good at paying attention to it, trusting and not ignoring the signals.
Here are some tips on the subtleties of being in and out of vibrational alignment:
- Pure desire is always accompanied by positive emotion.
- Your body and what it feels is like an antenna sending out vibes so that the law of attraction can match the same frequency.
- When you are in the state of love, there is no active vibration of resistance within you so things come easily (see David Hawkins Map of Consciousness below
- When you feel absolute exhilaration or enthusiasm within you don’t let this moment pass you by, take action around what you are feeling.
- The proof of alignment before manifestation is that you feel good. You are willing to do that thing without instant reward.
- Wanting and believing is alignment
- Expecting something unwanted is not alignment
When you are out of vibrational alignment with your inner being and true desires, you will need to take a lot more action to make something happen.
The more you are misaligned with your true desires, the harder you will need to work and the more action you will have to take.
A way to get back into alignment or be aware of where you are is to notice how you feel instead of monitoring your thoughts. This way you are practising getting out of your head and into your body.
See your work not as the exchange you do for money but as the expenditure of your life experience in return for joyful experience.
- What is one thing that your ‘being’ keeps telling you that you ARE in vibrational alignment with because it makes you happy or brings you pleasure?
- What is one thing that your ‘being’ keeps telling you that you AREN’T in vibrational alignment with because you feel anger, frustration, lack of motivation, exhaustion, fear or another negative emotion?
David Hawkins a psychologist and applied kinesiologist has a book called The Map of Consciousness Explained where he lays out the frequency of emotions. Over a period of years, Hawkins and colleagues measured more than 250,000 participants using muscle testing to find that the frequency of negative emotions, shame, guilt, apathy, fear and anger have low level frequencies and the emotions connected to love, kindness, generosity, peace, ecstasy, joy, all have a higher energy and carry an immense life energy.
What does this have to do with manifesting? The more we are in positive emotions and in vibrational alignment with what we want, the more accelerated is the attraction to what you want and the quicker and easier it is manifested.
- Negative emotions
- At these levels, we can experience emotional pain that can drive us in our desire for understanding and inner growth.
- Reacting with force or action or possibly manipulating others
- Positive emotions
- At the level of 200, a huge transition occurs in human consciousness where right-brain dominance reflects the increasing influence of spiritual energy and a shift occurs where the person now relies on Power {meaning ease and ow) instead of Force.
- Accelerated attraction
- Unconditional love
- Acting with power and drawing what you want to you.
- The way of care and community
- These levels also increasingly align with truth.
- As one’s thoughts focus on higher ideals, these new ideas create strong energetic fields, which Hawkins calls attractor fields. This is where the Law of Attraction positive manifestation is powerfully in action.
To keep things simple and sum up the concept, the more you are true to yourself and choose the things that make you feel happy, excited, joyous and on purpose the quicker you will attract the right people, situations and opportunities into your life with less force and action and more flow, grace and ease.
Love and light,
P.S. If you would like to know more about how you can master vibration and manifest the life you love, you can check out my mini course for 55 Euros on Get Lucky: Mastering Vibration and in under two hours have the tools to manifest confidently. You can get more info here.