La Contessa – Portrait Shoot Paris

La Contessa – Portrait Shoot Paris

All photos copyright Carla Coulson.


Now you may be wondering why this glamorous woman is feeding chickens in the middle of the Jardin du Tuileries? There is a reason... 

The beautiful Elizabeth Kirkpatrick (a.k.a. La Contessa) has been the proud owner of the Vintage Hen House in the San Francisco area up until recently and has been the mother of chickens for as long as she can remember.

La Contessa is my dream client in every sense, she loves fashion, she once lived in Florence, she is as kooky as I am and loves the theatrical – we are a match made in photographer’s heaven.

La Contessa had a dream to bring her beautiful boys to Paris and have a shoot with them as she has done for the past 20-something years as a gift for their father’s birthday.

La Contessa's gorgeous sons Nicholas and Kristopher. Copyright Carla Coulson.

Now when you come all the way to Paris with an opera coat it seems a shame not to take one walk through the French sculpture section of the Louvre? Non?


La Contessa being her glamorous self studying French sculpture.

Now La Contessa and her boys have been doing a shoot every year for their Florentine father’s birthday so I thought what could be better than these gorgeous guys shooting their beautiful mum. What troopers!

Before the drama of the chickens and the Louvre, we whipped into a café for a pit stop and a couple of pics.

How lucky to be staying in Rue du Chateau! The planets were aligning for La Contessa and me in ways we never imagined!!

And you can imagine what the locals thought of this glamourpuss buying the bread...

On the steps of her adorable apartment...

So La Contessa had a dream and so did Carla and in one glorious day both our dreams came true. A huge round of applause, numerous ‘encore, encore’ to La Contessa, Nicholas and Kristopher for their patience, beauty and creativity.

“One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.” 

— Lucius Annaeus Seneca


Carla x

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