Me Bertday Prezent from La Contessa

Itz Avedon here again (FM az given me ze blog again)

I gotta prezent in ze post for me bertday from a spicy lady called La Contessa. I really like ze Contessa cause she has a hen house and lurves ze drama and ze beautiful tings.


When I woke up tree days after me bertday a package wit me name on it was next to me ‘croquettes’. FM and FD let me open on me own and I love to smell ze package for 5 minutes before I rip in open wiz me teeth.


Ze Contessa sent me a feather boa (I am saving now to go to see her at ze hen house). Zis Contessa lady knows me from afar and how much I love ze feathers…I really love ze feathers.


I really love ze feathers and zis new feather is very long and good to bite and wrestle.


Ze Contessa sent anozer surprise (she really loves me ze Contessa) and it has me painted on ze bowl. Everytime I eat ze croquettes I tink of Ze Contessa..Shez a really nice lady..


I also really love ze boxes, zis is the prettiest box I ave ever seen (I just can’t get me whole body in zis box).

Sometimez life is just too good, de present made me bertday de best day of me life (instead of second best day). .First bestday before me present was when i caught a real mousie..

I luv ze Contessa..


“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.” Oscar Wilde

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10 years ago

So sweet! Makes me wonder what voices my cat(s) would have!

La Contessa
10 years ago

OH, AVEDON I was just thinking about YOU last night!Wondering if my petite parcel made it to your door!I CAN SEE IT DID!!!!!!!!You are a gorgeous thing!I wish I could show you a photo of THEODORE sitting on my lap right now making it difficult to type!Theo…….sends BACI TOO!So, happy you adore the boa and the bowl……..BUT I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU!The HEN HOUSE has closed its doors!Saturday was the last day!Do not fret as YOUR CONTESSA in AMERICA I still have the real thing at home with eight chicks and a rooster and a DOVE named GUIDO!Jump on a plane and come for a visit!!!!!!!!!I would LOVE THAT!Sending baci galore…………….MEOW!

10 years ago

I just love your posts Avedon, you very funny cat!!! and very spoilt!!

10 years ago

Oh Avedon, you are adorable! Such a lucky kitty with a boa of your own…I must get one for my Maxwell…

10 years ago

Thanks for sharing, Avedon! Finally a post for Sapphie the British Shorthair to read and relate to! Nothing better than stretching a birthday celebration out over a few days! X

10 years ago

what a birthday Avedon. Dont forget Pa Francesco on the 21st . Make sure he has a happy day to
Grandma Jeanettex

Liz Thomas
10 years ago

That is hysterical!

Anya Jensen
10 years ago

AHHHH this is hilarious and VERY cute – happy Birthday Avedon,

10 years ago

Ahh! Avedon, you are so much like my little Ruby! Appy Bertday!

Clare x

Shell Sherree
10 years ago

Avedon, what beautiful gifts from La Contessa ~ she has a big heart and excellent taste! My Ella is now wondering why she has no feather boa ~ so searching I will go.

lisa | renovating italy

I’m with you Avedon, and I just love the box!! You’re one lucky cat and hope you soak it up….Ze Contessa has gorgeous taste x