living your best life, get what you want, connection, meaning

Why Connection is the Secret Sauce to ‘Living Your Best Life’

living your best life


Dear Lovelies, 2020 has taught us many things but one of the biggest things is that connection and community are essential parts of living your best life (a life you love).

Here are some of my reflections on why connection to something we care about, the right people & situations brings meaning to our lives and why it is the secret sauce we all crave.


Why Meaning is essential to our lives? 

There are distinct moments when you wake up in your life and you no longer recognise the landscape, you don’t identify with the people around you or even yourself. You feel disconnected, you no longer belong in the role you have created for yourself and life has lost its meaning.

Generally something has shifted in our life, either externally or internally and we feel like we are standing on the platform in a busy station, and when the train departs with everyone on it, your left on Platform 1 on your own with just the wind blowing in your hair, dazed and confused as to what is going on and what you want next?


How do you feel without connection and meaning?

  • Depressed
  • Tired 
  • Demotivated
  • Lost 
  • Adrift 
  • Don’t belong
  • Unhappy
  • Angry
  • Lacking energy
  • Confused

living your best life, get what you want, connection, meaning

When does this happen?

This often happens when you lose a purpose or meaning in your life, like when your children leave home and your role has been of a mother or a carer and then all of a sudden that has come to an end and your life feels empty.

It could be after a divorce, relationship break-up or a death, when the tectonic plates of your life have been upended and you have lost connection to what you know, you have to rebuild who you are as a person and how to move forward on your own.

Or it could simply be that you have been in the wrong/job/life/marriage/situation for sometime but you have managed to ‘suck it up’ till one day, one thing makes you realise that you are deeply unhappy.

When you hit a certain age (around 40) for women and you start to ask yourself deeper questions, start to assess where you are in life, what is missing and what would be your best life?


Why do we need meaning? 

Often people freak out that meaning or a purpose needs to be some big ‘Save the World’ thingamajig but in reality it is a deeply personal thing that only the individual can understand or relate to and it gives us the feeling of living our best life (a life we love).

Meaning is the connecting glue in everything we do in life. It’s the long tentacles of an octopus that reach into specific places that make sense to you, what you care about and it’s where you find your peeps.

When you are connected to something that lights you up, in turn it connects you to yourself (self-esteem). You feel as though you are living truthfully with your core values (sometimes without even knowing them) and you strengthen them daily with your decisions, choices and actions

You find your people/community who have similar values to you, The fact that you have common interests, joys and values, brings connection to this group of people makes you feel safe and purposeful in your daily life.

Your curiosity and connection for your subject motivates you, it inspires you to learn, take action and jump out of bed in the morning excited for the day ahead.

Meaning allows you to operate from the ‘inside’, it gives you the foundational pieces of you as a human being such as confidence, trust, belief, faith and joy and from there you can achieve whatever you want in life.


living your best life, connection

What could bring more meaning to your life?

Often it feels like your life has come to an end and there is a big, empty void in front of you but take heart when you get the clarity around what is next for you that brings connection then all of the pieces that currently feel missing will fall into place and you will once again have that feeling of belonging and excitement for life.

Saying yes to what you are curious about, what feels good and what you feel is a deep desire is the best place to start to living your best life.

When you’ve lost your way the most important thing to understand is simply that something has changed and you need to reconnect to what is important to you.

    • It can be loving someone or something that fulfils a deep need inside of you to nurture and care.
    • It can be your work/art/creativity/cause that you love and brings you joy, personal reward, allows you to express who you are and to serve a group of people.
    • It can be rising above a difficult situation and that in retrospect overcoming or surviving this situation brings means and understanding to your life.


Let’s look at an example:

A forty year old woman that is doing a job she dislikes and yearns for connection and meaning. Currently she feels like she is in the wrong life, surrounded by people she isn’t connected to, topics of conversation that mean nothing to her and she is going against what she stands for and believes in.

Let’s say she decides to do something she likes, even staying at her job but connecting to a new passion she has discovered,  photography.

Here’s a very short timeline of how her life can open up by embracing something that she cares about.

    1. Signs up to a photography course (excited and hopeful).
    2. Meets students who love similar subjects and interests to her.
    3. Feels motivated and energised to take photos most days
    4. Meets new people in her local area, has conversations about cameras, life, photography and many other things.
    5. Looks at her photos after 3 months and realises she has an opinion and real vision – feels confidence, self-esteem
    6. Her world grows, friends at photography school become real friends she hangs out with on the weekend and introduces her to new groups of people.
    7. She enters photography competitions, pitches to magazines, meets art directors, photo editors, stylists and interior designers. Her network and opportunities to grow.
    8. Feels excited and happy about her life and what she is creating.
    9. Meets someone who also has similar interests – Falls in love
    10. Launches her first exhibition, feels love, supported and belongs to herself and a community – feels like she is living her best life!


What stops you from doing what you love? 

Sometimes you are so bogged down in negativity or in old ways of doing things that you don’t know how to gain a new perspective and connect with what would bring new meaning to your life.

It can be as simple as losing the ability to be curious or using your imagination. Sometimes it’s a lack of energy and not knowing where to start.

Meaning is what drives us as human beings and often without that connection we can feel like our lives are ‘half-lived’.

Start with saying Yes to what you like, even the smallest thing will put you on the road to living your best life.


Sending you light and love,



yes yes yes, scholarship program 2020, carla coulson

Free Scholarship to Yes, Yes, Yes Program 2020 — Turn your Dreams Into Reality

yes yes yes, scholarship program 2020, carla coulson

Dearest Ladies,

As we come to the end of a decade, I want to extend my thanks to each and every one of you for all you have given to my world.

I believe in the power of women, community, and DREAMS, and it has always been my wish and desire to give back where I can.

I am honoured to launch my 2020 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM to the YES, YES, YES – The Year You Say Yes To Yourself – there are 4 places available.

Yes, Yes, Yes is about connecting women back to their dream, passion and creativity which makes you come alive, have a sense of purpose and belonging!

Some of you will have been told you are too late or you don’t have the resources to make your dream happen, so I want to help women who are powerful and have big dreams but are currently NOT in the position to pay for this program. 

Creativity, painting, life purpose, connection, art, photography, writing a book, nature, gardenI have seen the power of what a group of women can achieve moving forward together to bring what is important into their lives and in 2019 these are just some of the things that the women of Yes, Yes,Yes, brought into their lives:

  • Healed their chronic illness
  • Wrote a book
  • Started painting
  • Had a solo exhibition and sold 17 paintings
  • Improved their relationships
  • Launch a creative business
  • Moved to Italy
  • Kicked their ‘worn out stories’ to the kerb and start a fresh
  • Raised their rates, transformed their money story and their creative business
  • Embraced their worth and beauty
  • Entered a photographic competition for the first time and end up a finalist
  • Get their love for life back after a divorce
  • Invented a whole new career
  • Got their dream job

And so much more…

yes yes yes, carla coulson

What the scholarship includes:

  1. 4 places with Lifetime access to the Yes Yes Yes – The The Year You Say Yes To Yourself program where you turn your dream into a reality and go after it in a supportive like-minded community.
  2. 10 transformational modules including videos, audios, and worksheets to help you move through each phase of the program.
  3. Access to all live group calls and the Private Members only Facebook Group.
  4. A one-hour one-on-one private call with me.


What we cover:

  1. FINDING YOUR YES – Get clarity on what you want
  2. HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS – transforming your mindset
  3. BELIEFS AND BLOCKS – What’s holding you back
  4. CREATIVITY – Connecting you to creativity and its benefits
  5. START A NEW RELATIONSHIP WITH TIME AND A FOOLPROOF PLAN – systems, structures and creating boundaries around your time
  6. WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS – overhaul your money story to create freedom
  7. INTUITION AND THE SACRED FEMININE – Accessing more of you internal energies to do life with more ease and grace
  8. WELLBEING – Creating energy for transformation
  9. JOY, BEAUTY AND PLEASURE – How these 3 things can help you attract the things you want into your life
  10. ADVENTURE – the benefits of living an adventurous life


If you know of a mother, sister, friend, daughter, niece or colleague that this program could benefit and transform her current situation, please share the LINK to this blog or post it on your social media.


Here’s how to apply:

  • READ what Yes, Yes, Yes – The Year You Say Yes To Yourself is about and if it is something you need in your life at the moment.
  • Optional – Create a video (maximum of 5 minutes) introducing yourself and where you are at in life and why you would like to win the scholarship, what is holding you back or had held you back from achieving this in the past. Feel free to share with us any part of your story, creativity or otherwise. You can send your video to
  • A requirement is to be open-minded, coachable and committed to doing the work.
  • Scholarship applications close on 3rd January 2020 and will be announced on 7th January 2020.

The scholarship winners will be announced on Tuesday, 7th January 2020 here on my blog.

Light and Love,

Carla x


P.S. If you would like to bring to life a project, start over or learn how to say YES to yourself, you can DOWNLOAD my FREE Video Series and Workbooks on How to Get What You Want HERE.

Here are some words about Yes, Yes, Yes from our previous Scholarship winners:

“When I won the scholarship to Carla’s Yes Yes Yes program, it was the best thing to happen to me in a long time. At the time I was at a very very low point. In the previous years, I’d battled cancer, closed a business, my husband had an affair and left and I had just lost my job. I felt like I would never be happy again.

Now, joy is seeping back into my life, I’m at peace and I feel like ME again and I haven’t even completed all the modules yet! Using the success stories of the fellow participants to motivate me and the modules and readings to empower me, I started to trust in myself and my future. I have just opened my first art exhibition and been offered my dream job. I’m so excited for the future; I’ll be unstoppable. I found my ‘gift in the garbage’ and have been able to heal and believe in such a short time because of Carla and her program.”

— Loretta H.


“When I applied for the scholarship I was feeling stuck and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life…  I have been a homemaker for the last ten years and had been struggling for several years with some physical issues that had left me emotionally and physically spent but I was finally feeling better and wanted to bring back creativity and joy to my daily life. I was looking to build focus and confidence in myself as a woman outside of the homemaker role I’d comfortably settled into.

The entire course has been wonderfully eye-opening and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed discovering that I was not just stuck, I was quite lost and it was a relief to have an amazing support network full of encouragement and wonderful ideas… I make sure to celebrate and enjoy my own life on a daily basis and this is a huge change from simply trudging through and worrying about dusty baseboards or the school run! Carla is a ray of light and brings laughter and love and joy, even when we are discussing uncomfortable topics like money and our sometimes very dysfunctional relationship with it.

I have gained so much confidence back that some days I can’t believe how little of it I had before starting the course. I have started working on a blog project and several book ideas and am excited to see where the next year takes me. Taking care of myself by nurturing my creativity and letting myself be inspired has had a very positive effect on my relationships. I’m proud to be teaching my two young daughters that to take care of yourself means to look after your whole self and if you get lost along the way it’s okay. Thank you Carla for sharing your own story and being our guide as we learn to embrace our unique creativity and celebrate each day!”

— Sarah S.


“I thought the Yes course would help me to find work that inspired me, maybe to get a little healthier, to feel more confident.
And Yes, it’s done all those things. I’ve left a career that was making me miserable, I’ve started a new business with a dream client and the prospect of more. I’m eating well, exercising and finding moments to focus on myself.
But this course has helped me to do so much more.
It’s gently pushed me to face some past tragedy which I now realise has been such a burden and source of frustration and pain in my life. Carla’s inspiring energy, huge compassion, as well as her supportive way of challenging have encouraged me to start counselling. It’s scary but it’s a huge relief. Through this incredible, nurturing community, I have found the clarity and trust to finally see what I need to do and the strength to face it. Already I feel some peace and I now truly believe I can move past and reach the life I want, to say Yes to it all, with joy and ease.

— Georgina L.